Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Randy Rogers & Radiation

Janeen and John made the most of their Thanksgiving and cooked up a feast for the two of them to enjoy. Though it wasn’t the ideal situation they enjoyed one another’s company and the food they indulged in.

For their anniversary on Friday, November 27th, John and Janeen celebrated by attending one of their favorites—a Randy Rogers concert! They had good seats and John said it was one of the best concerts he had ever seen. The drummer’s girlfriend just happened to be sitting by them during the concert and took interest in their obvious liking to the band. After the concert she took them back to meet the drummer and gave them a free t-shirts. It was definitely a well deserved night to remember for both John and Janeen.

Janeen’s radiation has begun, and she has now successfully completed 3 rounds of the 30 treatments for Proton Radiation at MD Anderson Proton Outpatient facility. She has to be sedated before each hour long treatment, and as expected, Janeen has experienced much fatigue after each round. However, she has no other side effects thus far. Therapy is mixed in throughout the day as well.

For now John and Janeen’s days speed by, wrapping up each evening with a nice home cooked meal prepared by John. Janeen’s daily schedule doesn’t allow her to be the night owl she is known to be, as her bedtime now naturally calls for her around 8pm.

This weekend Janeen and John have much to look forward too. Jadeyn, Jolee, Bill, Julie, Trey, and Tara (Trey’s girlfriend) are coming to visit until Sunday. Of course Janeen is counting down the days!!!

Please continue to post comments to Janeen, for John reads them to her each time they are received. Your thoughts and prayers continue to move mountains during this process. Janeen and her family could not be more appreciative of all the love and support she has received.