Sunday, October 25, 2009

Smiling ear to ear...

Janeen had some special visitors that made her day and then some. Bill and Jadeyn came to visit Friday through Sunday. Though the hospital has restricted those 12 and under from visiting due to the swine flu outbreak, Janeen was able to visit Jadeyn quite often through the adjoining hotel.

It put that Janeen smile on her face- squinted eyes, grinning ear to ear. It was a permanent fixture throughout the weekend.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Working hard and staying strong...

Janeen thankfully experienced no awful side affects such as nausea with the 3 days of chemotherapy, just a little fatigue. She is currently undergoing 21 days of physical rehab with PT, OT and speech therapy after which she will be reevaluated and a new course of action will be determined. Options are another round of chemo or they might switch over to radiation.

Physically, Janeen's biggest challenge is her balance and the weakness on her right side. Assistance is needed for her to stand or walk. She also tends to favor her left hand, while being teased that she's just wanting to join the rest of the lefties in the family (ex: John, Jadeyn and Jolee).

This past Saturday Janeen and John went on a special date to a program called WAGS. Where dogs are brought in as therapy for patients. Janeen became quite taken too by a black lab named Zeke, to which she tossed a tennis ball for quite awhile. This did, however, trigger Janeen's desire to want a dog even more!

Janeen is not impatient nor complaining but is working hard, knowing she has a job to do before she can return home to her beautiful girls. Jadeyn and Jolee are doing great but naturally miss their mom and dad.

From now on news will be posted as it is received; however we are now in the long haul with the main focus on therapy, therapy, therapy. Please feel free to leave comments for Janeen, for the messages are shared with her from time to time and mean so much!!

Miracles happen when our will and God's power cooperate.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 1

After many meetings all day yesterday, the review board decided that radiation will, in fact, be put on hold for the time being. There was concern that the radiation could deter her physical rehabilitation, which could potentially result in permanent damage. Instead they will immediately begin with 3 days of chemotherapy followed by 21 days of rehab, after which Janeen will be reevaluated as to where they will go from there. Another round of chemo is an option....

Getting Janeen back to where she was physically is just as important as treating the cancer, and this way they will be able to treat both at the same time.

Janeen is a fighter with more strength than any of us could ever imagine. Her determination is unwavering while her courage is truly heaven sent.

Your thoughts and prayers continue to move mountains, so please keep them coming.

I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20-21

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Full speed ahead!

The review board met this evening and discussed Janeen's treatment further, however more is being reviewed tomorrow before anything is confirmed. Due to the fact that adult medullablastoma is so rare they are covering all the bases.

Janeen will start simulation radiation tomorrow morning. She will be taken to a facility to get everything set up, measurements, markings, etc. before they begin. When discussing the side effects of the radiation, hair loss was brought up on several occasions from numerous doctors. They said if she was going to cut her hair to go ahead and do it because it would affect the measurements and calibrations. After talking it through, Janeen decided to go ahead and shave her head now instead of allowing it to come out in handfuls in the shower or bed (which would be really hard to go through). Janeen even reassured everyone that she's not worried about her hair. God love her! For those of you that don't know, Janeen and Jadeyn are big advocates of Locks of Love.... So much so that Jadeyn has no problem making you feel ashamed for having hair beyond the recommended cut-off length... So they plan to use Janeen's hair as a donation to Locks of Love.

Janeen has been a saint through all of this, nothing short of amazing. She has been lifted by your positive spirits, continued prayer and enlightening encouragement. Janeen and her family feel truly blessed to have you all behind them. Though she misses you all dearly, she is determined to beat her cancer and return home as soon as possible.

Per Janeen and her family's request.......Her new do......

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Needed by tomorrow!!

We apologize for the last minute notice, however we just became aware of this as well.... The review board at MDAnderson meets tomorrow and has requested any video of Janeen in the past year or two. If you have anything, please comment with your contact information and we will contact you shortly.

Thank you so much! This will be so helpful for the doctors tomorrow!

No stone unturned....

Janeen's team of doctors have been working on her course of action since the day she arrived at MDAnderson. The past week has consisted of reviewing her situation and planning proper steps to take next.

Please understand that this is a process and though it may be frustrating to not know more information, everyone working with Janeen is leaving no stone unturned in determining the treatment plan and schedule that is best for her particular case.

Tomorrow we will update in more detail with further information on her progress and plan of action as it is received.

For those of you that would like to send Janeen any mail her address is:

Sarah Janeen Rheinecker
Room #P808
P O Box 300206
Houston TX 77230

Until then...

In room at MDAnderson

Before she left...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Safe and sound in Houston..

Our apologies for just now updating, however since Thursday Janeen has been in line for a bed/room to open up at MDAnderson.   They were finally called last night and she was  admitted this morning.  Her new facility is an upgrade from her previous location and everyone is anxious to get the ball rolling.  Janeen and her family are currently meeting with her doctor. Treatments will begin very soon. 

We will keep you updated as we receive more information.